Our Difference is Our Philosophy
Your care is our responsibility
We understand that trusting your health care provider is one of the most important aspects of a successful health care relationship. Trusting your health care provider to seriously listen to your concerns and trusting that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you feel better in the safest and most effective way possible. We believe it will not take long before you will want to tell others about the quality care you receive at Mountain Health Team!
You are an individualWe do not treat diseases, we treat people. As such, we practice individualized medicine and promise to never use a “canned approach” (which uses a single treatment method on all patients) to health care. A great advantage at the Mountain Health Team is the diverse selection of health services we can choose from to develop your own treatment plan.
Medicine that works for you
Our intention is not to recommend
supplements that you do not need nor treatments that are not necessary. Although we understand that it may take more
than an “annual physical check-up” to have the tools to reach optimal health, we
are also not sold on the idea that it takes a high frequency of repeat “maintenance”
appointments. Our philosophy is guided
by medicine that works and the highest ethical standards to our patients. Our long-term mission is to be your source of
health education and preventive care.
If this philosophy of health care agrees with you, we would be happy to help you. Drop by or contact us if you have questions about any of our practitioners or services and you may also ask about our free 10 minute meet the doctor visit.
One more thing!
Our goal is to see more people less often. What this means is that we want people to get better! And, then we can help other people who need us too. Yes, we would recommend being proactive with your health and seeing us before health problems creep up. However, our intention is to only recommend follow-up appointments on an as needed basis that is individual to every person. Along that same note, we are as conservative as possible with your finances and do our best to keep good health from being expensive.